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Characteristics And Value Of Artificial Flowers

05 Oct , 2019

1. The flower color is gorgeous, the shape is chic, dignified and elegant, the preservation time is long, and the four seasons are in full bloom like spring.

2. The cost price is much lower than that of flowers, and the market profit margin is large;

3. Variety, no shortage of stock due to seasonal changes;

4. Those who are allergic to pollen can enjoy it with confidence and boldness;

5. At the same time as craft lovers get leisure and entertainment, they also get a favorite gift and beautiful enjoyment;

6, Works to give friends, is a rare personal gift, and make yourself full of the sense of achievement of the work.

Practical value

As the flowers bloom for as long as ten and a half months, and as few as two days and three days, the blink of an eye can fade away, which can only become an instant memory, and it is troublesome to maintain and clean. The emergence and application of artificial flowers have met people's requirements for the timeliness of flower viewing, and extended the life of flower works.

Art value

Modern people yearn for nature, pursuit of the art of living, and the pursuit of comfort and coziness. Artificial flowers have been greatly improved in quality, purely manual computer spectrum, printing and molding. The artificial flower has the same name as the imitation flower body. The stems, leaves, and flowers made of polymer resin are used after special bright surface treatment and matte surface treatment. In the use of flower materials, paper flowers, hand-rolled flowers, silk flowers, forged ribbon flowers, wheat bales are mainly used. In the field of floral design, artificial flowers occupy a very important part and are widely used in commercial fields.

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